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Article: Tuning Your Internal Timekeeper: A Guide to Optimize Your Circadian Clock

Tuning Your Internal Timekeeper: A Guide to Optimize Your Circadian Clock
circadian rhythm

Tuning Your Internal Timekeeper: A Guide to Optimize Your Circadian Clock

Feel like you're dragging yourself through the day despite a full night’s rest? Not getting enough rest? Or maybe you're noticing an unwelcome shift in your mood or eating patterns? It could be because of your circadian clock. 

The circadian clock is a fundamental element of our biology, controlling various physiological processes including our sleep-wake cycle, metabolism, and cognitive functions. 

Misalignments can not only make you feel off-kilter but can also have far-reaching implications on everything from your energy levels, and mental health, to your physical well-being.

But don’t panic just yet, we’ve got you covered. Our aim in this blog post is to help you master your circadian clock because it plays a crucial role in our lives that simply can't be replaced.

Understanding the Circadian Rhythm

At its most basic level, the circadian rhythm is a biological process that follows a cycle of approximately 24 hours. This internal clock, governed by the hypothalamus of our brain, orchestrates various physiological processes, from regulating sleep and eating patterns to controlling body temperature and hormone production.

graph of circadian rhythm

The circadian rhythm, derived from the Latin words "circa," meaning "around," and "diem," meaning "day," essentially refers to "around a day." Each cycle of this rhythm is a delicate interplay of biochemistry, physiology, and behavior, all harmonized with the daily rotations of our planet.

Why Is Your Circadian Rhythm Important?

We briefly mentioned at the start of this blog post that your circadian clock plays an important part in several body processes. These include:

Regulating Sleep

One of the most vital roles of the circadian rhythm involves the regulation of our sleep-wake cycle. As light diminishes at the end of the day, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the hypothalamus, often dubbed the body's "master clock," signals the pineal gland to secrete melatonin, a hormone that induces sleepiness. 

Come morning, as light exposure increases, melatonin production decreases and cortisol levels rise, stimulating wakefulness and alertness.

However, our modern world, full of artificial light, can throw this process into disarray. Exposure to light, particularly blue light from electronic devices, late at night can delay melatonin release, leading to difficulty falling asleep. This can lead to a cascade of negative health effects, emphasizing the importance of a properly tuned circadian rhythm for quality sleep.

Controlling Metabolism

Beyond sleep regulation, the circadian rhythm also plays a central role in metabolic processes. It influences when and how we feel hungry, how efficiently we metabolize different nutrients, and even how we store energy.

metabolism level radar

For instance, our bodies tend to process carbohydrates more efficiently during daylight hours. This metabolic preference is a function of the circadian rhythm, evolved over millennia to align with traditional eating patterns. 

Late-night meals or snacks, therefore, might lead to weight gain and increased risk of metabolic disorders, as our bodies are not primed to process food optimally at these times.

Impacting Mood and Cognition

Our mental health and cognitive abilities, including memory, focus, and learning, are also significantly impacted by our circadian rhythm. Normal functioning of the circadian rhythm and our sleep pattern is associated with stable mood states and optimal cognitive performance. On the other hand, disruptions to this rhythm can lead to mood disorders like depression and anxiety.

Other cognitive functions such as alertness, attention, and memory also follow a circadian pattern, often peaking at certain times of the day. For instance, most people exhibit peak alertness in the late morning, while analytical and decision-making abilities often hit their stride in the late afternoon. Understanding this rhythm can help you tailor your daily activities to when they're naturally at their cognitive best.

Modulating The Immune Response

The immune system is another significant domain regulated by our circadian rhythm. Many components of our immune response, from the production of immune cells to the release of various cytokines, display circadian oscillations. This rhythmic nature helps the body effectively ward off pathogens and mount an appropriate immune response.

A disturbed circadian rhythm can lead to a dysregulated immune response, which can result in an increased risk of infections and diseases. 

It's also worth noting that certain immunizations have been shown to be more or less effective depending on the time of administration, underscoring the deep connection between our internal biological clock and immunity.

Factors That Can Affect The Circadian Cycle

The human body's circadian rhythm is a finely tuned internal clock, directing a symphony of physiological functions synchronized to the daily rotation of the earth. However, our modern lifestyle often subjects this rhythm to various disruptors, throwing the natural biological timekeeping into disarray. 

The consequences of a disrupted circadian rhythm may range from minor inconveniences such as jet lag,  to serious health problems like chronic sleep disorders, depression, and even metabolic diseases. Let's take a detailed look at some common factors that can disrupt our circadian rhythm.

Light Exposure

Our circadian rhythm, especially the sleep-wake cycle, is closely tied to light exposure. The SCN receives light signals through the eyes and adjusts various physiological processes accordingly. 

blue light disruption from smart device

At sunset, when light levels decrease, the SCN starts to trigger the release of melatonin, the sleep hormone. With the dawn's arrival, melatonin production wanes, and alertness-promoting cortisol production ramps up.

However, artificial light, especially from electronic devices, can interfere with this process. Blue light emitted by smartphones, computers, and LED lights can trick the brain into thinking it's daytime even at night, suppressing melatonin production and impeding sleep onset. 

This phenomenon, termed "light pollution," has become increasingly prevalent in our technology-driven society, leading to widespread circadian rhythm disturbances.

Irregular Sleep Patterns

Irregular sleep patterns, such as those resulting from inconsistent bedtimes and wake times, can disrupt the circadian rhythm. Our internal clock thrives on regularity and can be thrown off by erratic sleep schedules, whether due to social obligations, work demands, or personal habits.

For instance, a common behavior known as "social jet lag" involves keeping late hours during the week and attempting to catch up on sleep over the weekend. 

This inconsistent schedule sends mixed signals to the circadian system, leading to a state of internal misalignment that can contribute to feelings of chronic fatigue, poor cognitive performance, and a heightened risk of various health problems. 

While it is a good idea to catch up on some sleep, you might be better served by taking afternoon naps, as opposed to an extended siesta on weekends.

Shift Work

Shift work, especially night shifts or rotating shifts, can severely disrupt the circadian rhythm. It demands that individuals stay awake when their internal clock is telling them to sleep and vice versa, creating a perpetual state of "jet lag."

The disruption to the circadian rhythm caused by shift work has been linked to an increased risk of various health problems, including cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disorders, and certain types of cancer. It's also associated with higher rates of workplace accidents and decreased productivity due to impaired alertness and cognitive function.

Frequent Travel Across Multiple Time Zones

Frequent travel across multiple time zones can cause a condition known as "jet lag," which occurs when our internal circadian rhythm is out of sync with local time. Symptoms of jet lag include daytime fatigue, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, and gastrointestinal disturbances.

tired man with jet lag

Our internal clocks can typically adjust to the new time zone at a rate of about one hour per day. Therefore, the more time zones crossed in a short period, the more significant the disruption to the circadian rhythm and the longer it takes to adjust to the new schedule.

The Effects of a Disrupted Circadian Clock

The circadian rhythm, our body's internal clock, operates behind the scenes to orchestrate the symphony of our physiological and cognitive functions. When it's humming along smoothly, we barely notice its existence. 

But when it's disrupted, a cascade of effects can reverberate throughout our body and mind, with potential consequences ranging from minor acute discomfort, but also much more serious chronic disorders over time. 

Here are frequency manifestations:

Physical Effects of an Irregular Circadian Rhythm

On a physical level, a disrupted circadian rhythm can wreak havoc in numerous ways. One of the most immediate and noticeable effects is sleep disruption. Whether it's difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or feeling refreshed after sleep, these disruptions can compound and lead to chronic sleep deprivation. 

Over time, sleep deprivation has been linked to a variety of health conditions, including a weakened immune system, higher risk of type 2 diabetes, and accelerated aging.

Another significant effect of circadian disruption is on our metabolic processes. Our bodies naturally oscillate between periods of energy storage and usage, timed to align with periods of eating and fasting. 

When this rhythm is disrupted, our bodies can be nudged into a state of metabolic dysfunction, characterized by reduced insulin sensitivity, altered cholesterol levels, and a propensity to gain weight. 

This not only increases the risk of obesity but also sets the stage for conditions like metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Additionally, circadian rhythm disruption can have a negative impact on cardiovascular health. Research has linked irregular circadian rhythms to higher blood pressure, elevated levels of stress hormones, and increased inflammation - all key risk factors for heart disease.

Mental and Psychological Effects of an Irregular Circadian Rhythm

Beyond physical impacts, a disrupted circadian rhythm can also have substantial effects on mental health. There is a strong correlation between irregular circadian rhythms and various mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. 

depressed middle age woman

The exact mechanisms are still being explored, but it's clear that stable circadian rhythms are essential for maintaining balanced mood states.

Cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, and executive functioning, are also highly influenced by our internal clocks. When these rhythms are disrupted, cognitive performance can decline, contributing to problems with focus, memory recall, decision-making, and overall mental acuity. This can have a ripple effect on productivity, learning, and overall quality of life.

The Chronic Consequences

The impact of circadian rhythm disruption isn't just limited to acute effects. Over time, chronic disruption can lead to an increased risk of more severe health conditions. 

Sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea, obesity, heart disease, and various mental health disorders are all linked to chronic circadian rhythm disruption.

Strategies for Optimizing Your Circadian Clock

Our circadian rhythm, an innate biological clock, is at the core of our physical and mental well-being. When in harmony, it optimizes our sleep, energy, mood, and overall health. 

However, modern lifestyles often disrupt this delicate balance. 

Fortunately, through conscious lifestyle and dietary modifications, we can realign and optimize our circadian rhythm. Try the following strategies:

Follow A Regular Sleep Schedule

The cornerstone of a healthy circadian rhythm is maintaining a regular sleep schedule. Consistency in sleep and wake times is crucial as our bodies thrive on routine. It allows the body to anticipate and prepare for sleep, thereby improving sleep quality and duration.

sleep schedule

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. This consistency reinforces the body's sleep-wake cycle and promotes better sleep. While it might be tempting to sleep later on weekends, keeping a regular schedule will help you feel more refreshed and energized in the long run.

Optimize Light Exposure

Did you know that light exposure plays a significant role in regulating our circadian rhythm as well? Natural sunlight during the day promotes alertness and helps set our biological clocks to the natural light-dark cycle. Aim for at least 30 minutes of sunlight exposure each morning to help reset your circadian rhythm.

In contrast, reduce the exposure to artificial light, particularly blue light, in the evening. Electronic devices like smartphones and computers emit high levels of blue light that can interfere with melatonin production, delaying sleep onset. Consider using blue light filters or "night mode" settings on devices in the evening and switch off electronic devices at least an hour before bed to prepare your body for sleep.

Diet and Exercise

The timing of meals and physical activity can significantly impact our sleep cycle. Try to eat meals at regular times each day to reinforce your body's daily rhythms. Late-night meals can confuse your body's internal clock, leading to sleep disruptions and metabolic issues.

This is also why some biohacking experts advocate against snacking on flights that are under 3 hours in duration- in an effort to not offset the circadian cycle further.

Physical activity is another key player in circadian health. Regular exercise, particularly in the morning or early afternoon, can strengthen circadian rhythms and improve sleep quality. Avoid high-intensity workouts close to bedtime as they can interfere with sleep onset; but if it’s unavoidable, always get your exercise in regardless of the time.

Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Chronic stress is a major disruptor of so many biological processes, that it’s not surprising to hear that sleep also falls victim. Incorporating mindfulness and relaxation techniques into your daily routine can help manage stress and improve circadian regulation. 

woman doing yoga

Practices such as meditation, yoga, and deep-breathing exercises can reduce stress levels and promote relaxation, helping you deal with sleep defects.


There are people that scoff at the thought of supplements. We beg to differ. The fact of the matter is that well-timed supplementation can make a sizeable difference in sleep quality.

Of course, it depends on you using the correct one, and in a manner that is conducive to it delivering on its efficacy (which means, not relying on them to do the lion’s share of the work).

-Melatonin, often termed the 'sleep hormone', plays a pivotal role in our sleep-wake cycle and is arguably the most beneficial sleep supplement out there. 

As darkness falls, our bodies naturally ramp up melatonin production, preparing us for sleep. On the flip side, as daylight emerges, melatonin production diminishes, signaling that it's time to wake up. 

Supplemental melatonin can be particularly beneficial for those grappling with circadian rhythm disruptions such as jet lag or shift work, helping to realign the internal clock with the external environment. We recommend the use of our very own non-habit forming sleep aid Dreamzzz to help get your sleep cycle back on schedule.

-Magnesium is an essential mineral which also plays a critical role in circadian rhythm regulation. It contributes to deep, restorative sleep by maintaining healthy levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep. 

In addition, magnesium is involved in the body's production of melatonin, further reinforcing its role in sleep regulation. Supplemental magnesium can be a useful addition to a sleep-promoting regimen, particularly for individuals with a magnesium deficiency.

-Passionflower is a traditional herbal remedy used for centuries to alleviate anxiety and promote sleep. The exact mechanisms of how passionflower works remain unclear, but it's believed to increase levels of GABA in the brain, leading to a calming effect that can facilitate sleep. Passionflower is also useful for transient insomnia, making it a potential ally for individuals seeking to optimize their circadian rhythm.

-5-Hydroxytryptophan, or 5-HTP, is another supplement that can impact sleep and circadian rhythm. 5-HTP is a naturally occurring amino acid and a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin. 

Serotonin, in turn, is a precursor to melatonin. By boosting the body's production of serotonin, 5-HTP indirectly aids in melatonin production, supporting a healthy sleep-wake cycle. This supplement may be particularly beneficial for those dealing with mood disorders as well, since it can promote both better sleep and improved mood.

Remember, supplements are just one part of the circadian optimization puzzle. They work best when combined with other strategies, such as maintaining a regular sleep schedule, managing light exposure, and incorporating a balanced diet with regular exercise into your lifestyle.

Interventions for Severe Circadian Rhythm Disruptions

In some cases, more advanced interventions may be necessary to address severe circadian rhythm disruptions. The use of chronotherapy, for instance, involves gradually shifting sleep and wake times to reset circadian rhythm, and is often used for delayed sleep phase syndrome.

Light therapy, another intervention, uses a special lightbox to mimic outdoor light and can be particularly beneficial for individuals with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or other conditions that disrupt the circadian rhythm.

Final Words

While it may feel like there’s nowhere to turn when sleep difficulties get in your way, you can find comfort knowing that fixing your circadian rhythm is both possible, and fairly easy to do.

Of course, it takes a little consistency on your part to stick to the guidelines, but it is worth then hours of gained rest you get in return.

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