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Article: BrickHouse In-Home Performance

BrickHouse In-Home Performance

BrickHouse In-Home Performance

BrickHouse Nutrition's In-Home Workout


It's a crazy time out there. Workplaces, restaurants, bars, and now even gyms have closed their doors. But even that is still no excuse to miss a workout! While you're "enjoying" your self-quarantine, take a few minutes out of your day, stop staring out the window or take a break from your work-from-home duties to get a quick sweat in.

General Warm Up

Always warm up with these exercises in place:

  • Arm circles - forward and backward
  • Hip circles - x10 each direction
  • Knee circles - x10 each direction
  • Hip openers - butt and back
  • Half kneeling pelvic tilt - x5
  • Half kneeling long turn - x8
  • Iron crosses
    • bent leg - x3 each way
    • straight leg - x3 each way

Day 1

Cardio Warm Up - 5 min (if you don’t have any cardio equipment, walk the stairs in your house, do jumping jackets, or in place running )

Activation Warm Up
Hip Bridge 2x20 seconds; Then 15 reps
Side Plank hold 2x each side. Hold for 30 seconds on each
Scap Push up 2x10

2-3 rounds; 30 seconds rest between sets; 1 minute rest between sets

1. Squats x10
2. Lying T Raises - palms down x12
3. Dynamic Side plank x10 each side
4. Step ups x6 each leg
5. Push ups x8
6. Sit up and twist x10 each way
7. Alternating lunges x8 each leg
8. Dips off couch x10


Day 2

Activation Warm Up
Elliptical/bike/in-place running intervals - 3 minutes
30 seconds fast, 30 seconds easy, and repeat

3 minute cool down

MB 200
10 exercises for 20 reps each = 200

1. Big circles
2. Wood choppers
3. Standing Russian twist
4. Half kneeling overhead hip to hip rotations
5. Sit up and overhead press
6. Seated Russian twist
7. Toe touches
8. Rocky solos
9. Alternating suitcase crunch
10. Diagonals


Day 3

Cardio Warm Up - 5 min (if you don’t have any cardio equipment, walk the stairs in your house, do jumping jackets, or in place running )

Activation Warm Up
Straight Leg Hip Bridge x10 seconds; 3 seconds up and 3 seconds down, hold for 10 seconds on last rep
Reverse Crunch x10
Side Laying T Spine Sweeps x10

2-3 rounds; 30 seconds rest between sets; 1 minute rest between sets

1. Hip Bridges x15
2. Reverse Lunge x6 each leg
3. Dumbbell Bent Over Row x10
4. Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raise x10
5. Plank x30 seconds
6. Band Upright Row x10
7. Scap Push Up x10
8. Band Standing Curl x15


Day 4

Cardio Warm Up - 5 min (if you don’t have any cardio equipment, walk the stairs in your house, do jumping jackets, or in place running )

Activation Warm Up
Hip Bridge 2x20 seconds; Then 15 reps
Side Plank hold 2x each side. Hold for 30 seconds on each
Scap Push up 2x10

2-3 rounds; 30 seconds rest between sets; 1 minute rest between sets

1. Squats x10
2. Lying T Raises - palms down x12
3. Dynamic Side plank x10 each side
4. Step ups x6 each leg
5. Push ups x8
6. Sit up and twist x10 each way
7. Alternating lunges x8 each leg
8. Dips off couch x10


Day 5

Activation Warm Up
Elliptical/bike/in-place running intervals - 3 minutes
30 seconds fast, 30 seconds easy, and repeat

3 minute cool down

MB 200
10 exercises for 20 reps each = 200

1. Big circles
2. Wood choppers
3. Standing Russian twist
4. Half kneeling overhead hip to hip rotations
5. Sit up and overhead press
6. Seated Russian twist
7. Toe touches
8. Rocky solos
9. Alternating suitcase crunch
10. Diagonals


General Cool Down Stretching

Always warm up with these exercises in place:

  • Quad Stretch on wall x1min each leg
  • Glute Stretch on wall x1min each leg
  • 90/90 stretch 2x30 seconds each

Don't Forget to Pick Up Your Foundation!

By no means do you need to be lifting huge dumbbells or running miles on miles each day, Foundation can help fuel your body and cells even with these home workouts!

Don't forget to grab some today to help you combat the downsides of the home lockdowns! And as always, we'll ship it right to you, so there's no need to worry about breaking the quarantine.


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